Tag Archives: Subconscious

The Land of Complacency (XXX)

This Land of Complacency

Somewhere along the way to fame and fortune
I became lost; got tangled up amongst the weeds
of self-doubt and procrastination.
And though I felt myself sliding into the hinterlands
of obscurity, with every breath I took
I found another reason to delay my path.
These reasons seemed vibrantly necessary,
and so, I stopped, dallied along the side of my road;
watching everything pass me by.
I put down roots, deep into the soil of redundancy,
fastening myself to the land of complacency…
watching the world move forward
as I stayed in the past, unable to find reason
to take that next step—away from the known.

Even knowing that the future holds the key,
for me, I’m still standing here. Stuck in my past;
afraid to move on, for fear of humiliation—failure.
Yet, even in failure we succeed. For then…
and only then do we realize what we can
and cannot do. Only then can we move on
to bigger and better pastures.
For even in failure, we learn a bit more
about ourselves. Perhaps the truth
about me is that I’m doomed
to remain in the past…I’m doomed
by laziness and cowardice…
I’m doomed.
© September 30, 2010 CRF

This was loosely inspired by the Spirit wild Chronicles posted on MySpace. It can be found following this URL

So…Thirty days later and I have finished my 30 poem in 30 day self challenge. It has been quite interesting, though I think I stuck to a few different themes. One thing I noticed was that I sometimes felt a little rushed because of the self imposed time limits. Still, I think it helped to improve my creative process.


Posted by on September 30, 2010 in poetry


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Awaken To That Which Awaits (I)

Awaken To That Which Awaits

Awaken to the possibilities
Bequeathed by the coming dawn.
Captivating chances to start anew
Develop upon blades of grass;
Energy building dew drops
Floating just before your sight.
Garnering gasps of pleasure, as
Happiness filters through our souls.
Invigorating morning air—entwines us;
Justifying the dreams building, from deep within.
Karmic visions of what was and can be,
Levitate through our subconscious mind,
Marking us for all to see,
Naked ambitions meant to unite.
Oppression will fall, with fading night.
Perhaps then we’ll learn not to fight, for
Questions that can have no answers.
Revel in the simple pleasures
Sunlight brings to our attention
Tickling our senses with smells and sights.
Unveiling a bouquet of startling
Vermillion hues, off to the east.
Welcome the beautiful grace of nature
Xanadu exists for each of us,
Yes! If only we open our eyes
Zest-filled possibilities await.

© September 1, 2010 CRF

So, I’ve decided to try and write a poem a day for the entire month of September. I can only imagine how this will turn out. One thing I am sure  of, there will not be a set style or form to these writes. With this one, I decided to have each line start with a different letter of the alphabet.


Posted by on September 1, 2010 in poetry


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